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AA Always Afloat
AAAA Always Afloat, Always Accessible
AAOSA Always Afloat Or Safe Aground
AAR Against All Risks
AARA Always Accessible or Reachable on Arrival
AB Able Seaman
ABS American Bureau of Shipping
AC Alternating Current (electricity)
ACV Air Cushion Vehicle
AD Area Differential
ADF Automatic Direction Finder
AF Anti-Fouling
AFFF Aqueous Film Forming Foam
AFRA Average Freight Rate Assessment
AG Arabian Gulf
AGW Actual Gross Weight
AHTS Anchor Handling Tug and Supply Vessel
AIS Automatic Identification System
ALERT Automatic Life-saving Emergency Radio Transmitter
ALRS Admiralty List of Radio Signals
AMSL Above Mean Sea Level
AMVER Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System
AMWELSH Americanised Welsh Coal Charter party
ANERA Asia-North America Eastbound Rate Agreement
ANOP Articles Not Otherwise Provided for
ANSI American National Standard Institute
AO Awaiting Orders
AOB Any One Bottom
AOH After Office Hours
AOLOC Any One Location
AOR Atlantic Ocean Region
AOS Any One Steamer
AOV Any One Vessel
AP All Purposes
API American Petroleum Institute
APS Arrival Pilot Station
APT Aft Peak Tank
ARA Antwerp - Rotterdam - Amsterdam
ARPA Automatic Radar Plotting Aid
A/S Alongside
ASAP As Soon As Possible
ASBA The Association of Shipbrokers and Agents (USA) Incorporated, New York
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASPW Any Safe Port in the World
ASTM American Society of Testing & Materials
ATA Actual Time of Arrival
ATD Actual Time of Departure
ATDN Any Time Day & Night
ATDNSHINC Anytime Day/Night Sundays & Holidays Included
ATK Aviation Turbine Kerosene
ATS All Time Saved
ATSBE All Time Saved Both Ends
ATSDO All Time Saved Discharging Only
ATUTC Actual Times Used To Count
AUV Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
AVGAS Aviation Gasoline
AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator
AVTAG Aviation Turbine Gasoline
AWIWL Always Within Institute Warranty Limits
AWVNS Always Within Vessel's Natural Segregation
AWRI Additional War Risk Insurance
BA British Admiralty
BAF Bunker Adjustment Factor
BB Below Bridge
BBB Before Breaking Bulk
BBC Bare Boat Charter
BC Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes
BCH Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
BCM Bow to Centre of Manifold
BCO Beneficial Cargo Owner
BD Bar Draught
BDC Bottom Dead Centre
BDI Both Dates Inclusive
B/E Break - Even
BENDS Both Ends
BFI Baltic Freight Index
BHP Brake Horse Power
BI Both Inclusive
BIC Bureau International des Containers (International Container Bureau)
BIFFEX Baltic International Freight Futures Index
BIMCO The Baltic and International Maritime Council
BKR Bulgarski Koraben Registar (Bulgarian Register of Shipping)
B/L Bill of Lading
BLU Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers
BN Booking Note
BOA Berthing On Arrival
BOB Bunkers On Board
BOD Bunkers On Delivery
BOFFERS Best Offers
BOL Bill Of Lading
BOP Blow out Preventer
BOR Bunkers On Redelivery
B/P Bills Payable
B/R Bills Receivable
BROB Bunkers Remaining On Board
BS Bunker Surcharge
BSC British Shippers' Council
BSI British Standards Institution
BST British Standard Time
BT Berth Terms
BV Bureau Veritas
BW Brackish Water
BWAD Brackish Water Arrival Draught
BWDD Brackish Water Departure Draught
BWT Ballast Water Tank
CABAF Currency And Bunker Adjustment Factor
CAF Currency Adjustment Factor
CBFT Cubic Feet
CBM Cubic Metres
CBR Commodity Box Rate
CBS Cyprus Bureau of Shipping
CBT Clean Ballast Tank
CC Cubic Capacity
CCG Canadian Coast Guard
CCS China Classification Society
CD Customary Despatch
C/E Chief Engineer
CENSA Council of European and Japanese National Shipowners Association
CES Coast Earth Station
CFM Container Flow Management
CFR Cost and Freight
CFS Container Freight Station
CFT Cubic Feet
CG Centre of Gravity
CGA Cargo's proportion of General Average
CHABE Charterer's Agents Both Ends
CHOPT Charterer's Option
CIF Cost, Insurance & Freight
CIF&E Cost, Insurance, Freight & Exchange
CIF&I Cost, Insurance, Freight & Interest
CIFC Cost, Insurance, Freight and Commission
CIFC&I Cost, Insurance, Freight, Commission & Interest
CIM Convention Internationale Concernant le Transport des Marchandises par Chemin de Fer
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid to
CIQ Customs Immigration Quarantine
CIT Chartered Institute of Transport
CLP Container Load Plan
CMI Comité Maritime International
CMR Convention Marchandise Routiers
C/N Consignment Note
C/O Chief Officer
CLC Civil Liability Convention of 1969
COA Contract Of Affreightment
COACP Contract Of Affreightment Charter Party
COB Close Of Business
COC Certificate Of Competency
COD Cash On Delivery
COF Certificate Of Fitness
COFC Container On Flat Car
COGS Carriage of Goods by Sea
COGSA Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
COMBIDOC Combined Transport Document
COP Customs Of the Port
COT Cargo Oil Tank
COW Crude Oil Washing
C/P Charter Party
CPD Charterers Pay Dues
CPP Clean Petroleum Products
CPT Carriage Paid To
CQD Customary Quick Despatch
CR China Corporation Register of Shipping
CROB Cargo Remaining On Board
CRS Croatian Register of Shipping
CSC International Convention for Safe Containers
CSM Container Slot Management
CSO Company Security Officer
CSR Chech and Slovak Ship's and Industrial Register
CST Central Standard Time
CT Conference Terms
CTL Constructive Total Loss
CTO Combined Transport Operator
CUFT Cubic Feet
CVs Consecutive Voyages
CY Container Yard
DA Discharge Afloat
DAP Days All Purposes
DAS Docking Aid System
DB Double Bottom
DBT Double Bottom Tank
DC Direct Current
D/D Days After Date
DD Daily Discharge
DDC Destination Delivery Charge
DDP Delivery Duty Paid
DDU Delivery Duty Unpaid
DEL Delivery
DEM Demurrage
DEQ Delivered Ex Quay
DES Delivered Ex Ship
DESP Despatch
DG Dangerous Goods
DGN Dangerous Goods Note
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
DHD Demurrage Half Despatch
DHDATSBE Demurrage Half Despatch on All Time Saved Both Ends
DHDWTSBE Demurrage Half Despatch on Working Time Saved Both Ends
DIC Delivered In Charge
DISPORT Discharge Port
DIST Distance
DKVN Vietnam Register of Shipping
DLOSP Dropping Last Outward Sea Pilot
DNV Det Norske Veritas (Norwegian Classification Society)
DO Diesel Oil
DOC Document Of Compliance
DOP Dropping Outward Pilot
DOSP Dropping Outward Sea Pilot
DP Dynamic Positioning
DPP Dirty Petroleum Products
DR Dead Reckoning
DRC Daily Running Cost
DSC Digital Selective Calling
DSHA Dangerous Substance in Harbour Area (Regulations)
DT Deep Tank
DWAT Deadweight All Told
DWCC Deadweight Cargo Capacity
DWCT Deadweight Cargo Tonnage
DWT Deadweight
EASC European Air Shippers' Council
EC East Coast
ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information System
ECS Electronic Charting System
ECSA East Coast South America
ECSI Export Cargo Shipping Instructions
ECTU European Council of Transport Users
EDH Efficient Deck Hand
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport
EDP Early Departure Procedure
EEBD Emergency Escape Breathing Device
EHC Equipment Handover Charge
EHP Effective Horse Power
EITC European Inland Transport Council
EIU Even If Used
ELSA Emergency Life Saving Apparatus
EMF Electromotive Force
ENC Electronic Navigation Chart
EOP End Of Passage
EOSP End Of Sea Passage
EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
ER Engine Room
ESC European Shippers' Councils
ESD Emergency Shut Down
ESPO European Sea Ports Organisation
ETA Expected Time of Arrival
ETB Expected Time of Berthing
ETC Expected Time of Completion
ETCD Expected Time of Completion & Departure
ETD Expected Time of Departure
ETR Expected Time of Readiness
ETS Expected Time of Sailing
EXW Ex Works
FA Free Alongside
FAA Free of All Average
FAC Fast As Can
FACCOP Fast As Can, Custom Of Port
FAF Fuel Adjustment Factor
FAK Freight All Kinds
FAOP Full Ahead On Passage
FAQ Fair Average Quality
FAS Free Alongside Ship
FBL FIATA Bill of Lading
F&CC Full And Complete Cargo
FC Free of Capture
FCA Free Carrier
FCL Full Container Load
FCAR Free of Claim for Accident Reported
FCR Forwarder's Certificate of Receipt
FCS Free of Capture and Seizure
FCT Forwarder's Certificate of Transport
F&D Freight & Demurrage
FD Free Discharge
FD&D Freight Demurrage And Defence
FDD Freight Demurrage Deadfreight
FEFC Far East Freight Conference
FEMAS Federation of European Maritime Associations of Surveyors and Consultants
FERIT Far East Regional Investigation Team
FEU Forty-foot Equivalent Unit
FFA Free From Alongside
FFI (FIATA) Forwarding Instructions
FGA Free of General Average
FHEX Fridays and Holidays Excluded
FHINC Fridays and Holidays Included
FI Free In
FIATA International Federation of Forwarding Agents Associations
FIB Free Into Barge
FILO First In Last Out
FILTD Free In Liner Terms Discharge
FIO Free In and Out
FIOLS Free In and Out, Lashed, Secured
FIOLS&D Free In and Out, Lashed, Secured and Dunnaged
FIOS Free In and Out Stowed
FIOST Free In and Out Stowed and Trimmed
FIOT Free In and Out Trimmed
FIT Free In Truck
FIW Free In Wagon
FLT Fork Lift Truck
FMC Federal Maritime Commission
FMS Fathoms
FO Fuel Oil
FOB Free On Board
FOB'S Free On Board Charges
FOC Free On Car
FOD Free on Damage
FONASBA The Federation of National Associations of Shipbrokers and Agents
FOQ Free On Quay
FOR Free On Rail
FOS Fuel Oil Surcharge
FOT Free On Truck
FOW Free On Wharf
FPA Free Of Particular Average
FPDSO Floating Production, Drilling, Storage and Offloading
FPSO Floating Production, Storage and Offloading
FPT Fore Peak Tank
FROF Fire Risk On Freight
FRP Fibreglass Reinforced Plastic
FRT Freight
FSO Floating Storage & Offloading
FSU Floating Storage Unit
FTW Free Trade Wharf
FW Fresh Water
FWA Fresh Water Allowance
FWAD Fresh Water Arrival Draught
FWDD Fresh Water Departure Draught
FWE Finished With Engine
FYG For Your Guidance
FYI For Your Information
FYT Follow Your Telex
GA General Arrangement
GATT General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
G/B Grain/Bales
G-H Gibraltar-Hamburg
GL Germanischer Lloyd (German Classification Society)
GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
GMT Greenwich Meridian Time
GNS German North Sea
GO Gas Oil
GOC General Operator Certificate
GP General Purpose
GPS Global Positioning System
GPU Generator Protection Unit
GRI General Rate Increase
GRT Gross Registered Tonnage
GT Greenwich Time
GW Gale Warning
HA Hatch
HAT Highest Astronomical Tide
HBF Harmless Bulk Fertiliser
HD Half Despatch
HDLTSBENDS Half Despatch Lay Time Saved Both Ends
HFO Heavy Fuel Oil
H-H Harve-Hamburg
HHDW Heavy Handy Deadweight
HHDWS Heavy Handy Deadweight Scrap
HHW Higher High Water
HHWI Higher High Water Interval
HHWL Highest High Water Level
HLA Heavy Lift Additional
HLW Higher Low Water
HLWI Higher Low Water Interval
HMB Heavy Motor Blocks
HMS Heavy Metal Scraps
HO Holds
HP Horse Power
HR Hellenic Register of Shipping
HSC International Code for Safety of High Speed Craft
HSD High Speed Diesel
HSS Heavy Grains, Soyabeans and Sorghums
HTS High Tensile Steel
HW High Water
HWI High Water Interval
HWLI High Water Lunitidal Interval
HWM High Water Mark
HWN High Water Neaps
HWONT High Water Ordinary Neap Tide
HWOST High Water Ordinary Spring Tide
HWS High Water Spring
HWT High Water Time
IACS International Association of Classification Societies
IAF Inflation Adjustment Factor
IALA International Association of Lighthouse Authorities
IAPH International Association of Ports and Harbours
IAPP International Air Pollution Prevention
IBC International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
IBIA International Bunker Industry Association Ltd
IBS Isthmus Bureau of Shipping
ICC International Chamber of Commerce
ICS International Chamber of Shipping
ICS Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
IDL International Date Line
IFF Institute of Freight Forwarders
IFO Intermediate Fuel Oil
IFP Interim Fuel Participation factor
IGC International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
IGS Inert Gas System
IHO International Hydrographic Organisation
IHP Indicated Horse Power
ILOHC In Lieu Of Hold Cleaning
IMB International Maritime Bureau
IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods code
IMO International Maritime Organisation
IMOSAR IMO Search and Rescue manual
IMPA International Marine Purchasing Association
INF International Code for the Safe Carriage of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-Level Radioactive Wastes on Board Ships
INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organisation
INTERTANKO International Association of Independent Tanker Owners
IOPP International Oil Pollution Prevention
IOR Indian Ocean Region
IP Institute of Petroleum
IRO In Respect Of
IRS Indian Register of Shipping
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISF International Shipping Federation
ISGOTT International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals
ISM International Safety Management code
ISMA International Ship Managers Association
ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
ISPP International Sewage Pollution Prevention
ISPS International Ship and Port Facility Security Code
ITF International Transport Workers' Federation
ITIC International Transport Intermediaries' Club
IU If Used
IUHTAUTC If Used, Half Time Actually To Count
IUMI International Union of Marine Insurance
IWL Institute Warranty Limits
IWO In Way Of
J & WO Jettison & Wash Overboard
JIT Just In Time
KD Knocked Down
KR Korean Register of Shipping
KT Kiloton
KTS Knots
KVA Kilovolt-Ampere
KW Kilowatt
LASH Lighter Aboard Ship
LAT Latitude
LAY/CAN Laydays/Cancelling
LBP Length Between Perpendiculars
LCL Less than Container Load
L/D Loading/Discharging
LCF Longitudinal Centre of Flotation
LDD Loaded
LDF Light Distillate Feedstock
LDG/UNLDG Loading/Unloading
LDPT Load Port
LES Land Earth Station
LFL Lower Flammable Limit
LHW Low High Water
LHWI Low High Water Interval
LIFO Liner In Free Out
LISCR Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry
LLA Long Length Additional
LLW Lower Low Water
LLWI Lower Low Water Interval
LLWL Lowest Low Water Level
LM Lane Metre
LMSS Land Mobile Satellite Service
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LO Lubricating Oil
LO/LO Lift On/Lift Off
LOA Length Overall
LOF Lloyd's Open Form
LOI Letter Of Indemnity
LOP Line Of Position
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LR Lloyd's Register of Shipping
LS Lump Sum
LSA Life Saving Appliances
LS&D Landing, Storage and Delivery Charge
LT Local Time
LTF Lumber Tropical Fresh water (loadline)
LW Lumber Winter (loadline)
LWL Load Water Line
LWNA Lumber Winter North Atlantic load line
LWONT Low Water Ordinary Neap Tide
LWOST Low Water Ordinary Spring Tide
MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
MBL Minimum Breaking Load
MCA Maritime and Coastguard Agency
MCO Maximum Continuous Output
MCR Maximum Continuous Rating
MDO Marine Diesel Oil
MED Mediterranean
MEES Middle East Emergency Surcharge
MEPC Maritime Environment Protection Committee
MERSAR Merchant Ship Search and Rescue manual
MES Mobile Earth Station
MF Marine Fuel Oil
MGO Marine Gas Oil
MGW Maximum Gross Weight
MHHW Mean Higher High Water
MHHWS Mean Higher High Water Spring
MHLW Mean Higher Low Water
MHW Mean High Water
MHWI Mean High Water Interval
MHWN Mean High Water Neaps
MHWS Mean High Water Springs
MLB Mini Land Bridge
MLD Moulded
MLHW Mean Lower High Water
MLLW Mean Lower Low Water
MLLWS Mean Lower Low Water Spring
MLW Mean Low Water
MLWI Mean Low Water lunitidal Interval
MLWN Mean Low Water Neaps
MLWS Mean Low Water Springs
MID Maritime Identification Digits
MMSS Maritime Mobile Satellite Service
MOB Man Over Board
MODU Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit
MOL More Or Less
MOLCO More Or Less Charterer's Option
MOLOO More Or Less Owner's Option
MOT Ministry Of Transport
M/R Mate's Receipt
MS Motor Ship
MSA Marine Safety Agency
MSB Main Switch Board
MSC Maritime Safety Committee
MSG Message
MSI Maritime Safety Information
MSL Mean Sea Level
M/T Motor Tanker
MT Motor Tanker
MTBE Metyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
MTC Moment to change Trim per Centimetre
MTD Multimodal Transport Document
MTL Mean Tide Level
MTO Multimodal Transport Operator
M/V Motor Vessel
MV Motor Vessel
NAABSA Not Always Afloat But Safely Aground
NCAD Notice of Cancellation at Anniversary Date
NCSA North Coast South America
NCV No Commercial Value
NDT Non-Destructive Testing
NEOBIG Not East Of But Including Greece
NEP/S Not Elsewhere Provided/Stated
NIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency
NKK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (Japanese Classification Society)
NLS Noxious Liquid Substances
NMEA National Marine Electronics Association
NOAA The United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOE Notice of Exception
NOP Not Otherwise Provided
NOR Notice Of Readiness
NORA Notice Of Readiness Accepted
NORT Notice Of Readiness Tendered
NOS Not Otherwise Specified
NPA National Petroleum Association
NR No Risk
NRAD No Risk After Discharge
NRT Net Registered Tonnage
NS Nuclear Ship
NSA Non-Separation Agreement
NSPF Not Specially Provided For
N/T New Terms
NT Net Tonnage
NTM Notice to Mariners
NUC Not Under Command
NVO Non-Vessel Operating
NVOC Non-Vessel Owning Carrier
NVOCC Non-Vessel Owning Common Carrier
NWE North West Europe
NYPE New York Produce Exchange form
OBO Oil/Bulk/Ore
O/C Open Charter
OCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum
OCP Over Common Point
OD Outside Diameter
ODME Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment
ODP Offshore Drilling Platform
OH Off Hire
OHBC Open Hatch Bulk Carrier
OO Oil/Ore
OOG Out Of Gauge
OOW Officer On Watch
OPA Oil Pollution Act
OPEC Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPL Off Port Limits
OPRHNS Protocol on Preparedness, Response and Co-operation to Pollution incidents by Hazardous and Noxious Substances Z
OR Owner's Risk
ORB Owner's Risk of Breakage
ORC Owner's Risk of Chafing
ORD Owner's Risk of Damage
OS Ordinary Seaman
OSB One Safe Berth
OS&D Over, Short and Damage (report)
OSD Open Shelter Decker
OSP One Safe Port
OSRA Ocean Shipping Reform Act
OSV Offshore Supply Vessel
OT On Truck
OWS Oily Water Separator
P&I Protection And Indemnity
PANDI Protection And Indemnity
P/CGO Part Cargo
PCC Pure Car Carrier
PCNT Panama Canal Nett Tonnage
PCT Percent
PDM Physical Distribution Management
PDPR Per Day Pro Rata
PEL Permissible Exposure Limit
PER/DRF Permissible Draught
PF Power Factor
PFSO Port Facility Security Officer
PG Persian Gulf
PGF Poincaré Gold Franc
PHPD Per Hatch Per Day
PIC Person In Charge
PL Protective Location
PLTC'S Port Liner Term Charges
PMQS Provided Minimum Quantity Supplied
PMS Plan Maintenance System
POB Pilot On Board
POR Pacific Ocean Region
PP Picked Port(s)
PPE Personal Protection Equipment
PPM Parts Per Million
PPS Precise Positioning System
PPT Prompt Ship
PRS Polski Rejestr Statkow (Polish Register of Shipping)
PSC Port State Control
PSF Pounds per Square Foot
PSI Pounds per Square Inch
PSR Panama Shipping Register
PT Private Terms
PV Pressure Vacuum (valve)
PWWD Per Weather Working Day
QM Quarter Master
QS Quarantine Station
RCC Rescue Coordination Centre
RCDS Raster Chart Display System
RDC Run Down Clause
RDF Radio Direction Finder
REC Spain's Special Register of Vessels of the Canary Islands
RECD Received
RED Rate, Extras, Demurrage
REDELY Redelivery
RF Range Finder
RH Relative Humidity
RINA Registro Italiano Navale (Italian Classification Society)
RINAV Registro Internacional Naval SARL (Portuguese)
RLS Royal Lifeboat Society
RMS Root Mean Square
RNR Registrul Naval Roman (Romanian Register of Shipping)
ROB Remaining On Board
ROC Restricted Operator Certificate
RORO Roll On/Roll Off
ROT Reference Our Telex
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
RPC Remote Position Control
RPF Radio Position Finding
RPM Revolution Per Minute
RPS Revolution Per Second
RPT Repeat
RS Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
R/T Revenue Ton
RT Radio Telephone
RTN Return
RTW Round The World
R/V Round Voyage
RVP Reid Vapour Pressure
RVT Revert
RVTG Reverting
RX Receiver
RYC Reference Your Cable
RYT Reference Your Telex
S&P Sale & Purchase
SAFCON Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
SANR Subject to Approval, No Risk
SAR Search And Rescue
SARSAT Search And Rescue Satellite System
SART Search And Rescue Radar Transponder
SATCOM Satellite Communications
SB Safe Berth
SBM Single Buoy Mooring
SBS Surveyed Before Shipment
SBT Segregated Ballast Tank
SC Salvage Charges
SCNT Suez Canal Nett Tonnage
SD Sailing Date
SDR Special Drawing Rights
SF Safety Factor
SG Specific Gravity
SHEX Sundays, Holidays Excluded
SHINC Sundays, Holidays Included
SHP Shaft Horse Power
SIGTTO Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators
SLA Single Line Approach
SMC Safety Management Certificate
SMS Safety Management System
S/N Shipping Note
SNST Soonest
S/O Shipping Order
SOC Shipper Owned Carrier
SOF Statement Of Facts
SOFAR Sound Fixing And Ranging
SOL Shipowner's Liability
SOLAS The International Convention for the Safety Of Life At Sea
SONAR Sound Operation Navigation And Range
SOPEP Ship and Shore Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
SP Safe Port
SPC Self-Polishing Copolymers
SPD Steamer Pays Dues
SPM Single Point Mooring
SRL Ship Repairer's Liability
SS Special Survey
SSB Single Side Band
SSHEX Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Excluded
SSHINC Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Included
SSN Standard Shipping Note
SSO Ship Security Officer
SSW Summer Salt Water
ST Short Ton
STBY Standby
STC Said To Contain
STCW Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (convention)
STD Standard
STEL Short Term Exposure Limit
STL Submerged Turret Loading
SWAD Salt Water Arrival Draught
SWASH Small Waterplane Area Single Hull
SWATH Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull
SWBM Still Water Bending Moment
SWDD Salt Water Departure Draught
SWL Safe Working Load
T&P Theft & Pilferage
T&S Touch & Stay
TBA To Be Advised
TBN To Be Named
TBO Time Between Overhauls
TBS Talk Between Ships
T/C Time Charter
TC Time Charter
TCE Time Charter Equivalent
TCP Time Charter Party
TCT Time Charter Trip
TD Tween Deck
TDC Top Dead Centre
TDW Total Deadweight
TDWAT Total Deadweight All Told
TE Temporarily Extinguished
TEU Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit
TF Tropical Freshwater (loadline)
T&G Tongued & Grooved (timber)
THC Terminal Handling Charges
TIP Taking Inward Pilot
TL Total Load
TLO Total Loss Only
TLX Telex
TM Technical Manual
T/O Transfer Order
TOFC Trailer on Flat Car
TOP Taking Outbound Pilot
TOTOCOM Total Commission
TOVALOP Tanker Owners' Voluntary Agreement Concerning Liability for Oil Pollution
TPC Tons Per Centimetre (immersion)
TPD Tons Per Day
TPI Tons Per Inch
TPT Transport
TR Ton Registered
TRND To Be Renamed
TS Thunderstorm
TSA Transpacific Stabilisation Agreement
TSCF Tanker Structure Co-operative Forum
TST Topside Tank
TT Turbine Tanker
T/T Telegraphic Transfer
TVP True Vapour Pressure
TW Typhoon Warning
TWA Time Weighted Average
TWRA Transpacific West-bound Rate Agreement
UBC Universal Bulk Carrier
UCAE Unforeseen Circumstances Always Expected
UCT Universal Co-ordinated Time
UFL Upper Flammable Limit
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UKC UK-Continent
ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier
ULCS Ultra Large Containership
UMS Unmanned Machinery Space
UNCTAD United Nation's Conference On Trade And Development
USAC United States Atlantic Coast
USC Unless Sooner Commenced
USCG United States Coast Guard
USEC United States East Coast
USG United States Gulf
USNH United States North of Cape Hatteras
USSH United States South of Cape Hatteras
USWC United States West Coast
UT Universal Time
UU Unless Used
UUIWCTAUTC Unless Used In Which Case Time Actually Used To Count
VA Volt-Ampere
VATOS Valid At Time Of Sale
V/C Voyage Charter
VDR Voyage Data Recorder
VEC Vapour Emission Control
VHF Very High Frequency
VIOS Vessel Insurance and Operations Surcharge
VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier
VLF Very Low Frequency
VOCC Vessel Operating Common Carrier
VOP Value as in Original Policy
VOY Voyage
VPD Vessel Pays Dues
VSL Vessel
W Winter (loadline)
WA With Average
W/B Waybill
WBA When Berth Available
WBT Water Ballast Tank
WCCON Whether Cleared Customs Or Not
WCSA West Coast South America
WD Wind Direction
WECM Warranted Existing Class Maintained
WEF With Effect From
WFA With Following Alterations
WI West Indies
WIBON Whether In Berth Or Not
WICCON Whether In Customs Clearance Or Not
WIFPON Whether In Free Pratique Or Not
WIG Wing-In-Ground (effect craft)
WIPON Whether In Port Or Not
WL Water Line
WLOH Within Local Office Hours
WLTOHC Waterline To Hatch Coaming
W/M Weight or Measurement
W&M War & Marine
WMO World Meteorological Organisation
WNA Winter North Atlantic (loadline)
WOG Without Guidance
WP Weather Permitting
W/P Without Prejudice
WPA With Particular Average
WRIC Wire Rods In Coils
WRO War Risk Only
WS World Scale
WT Wing Tank
WTS Working Time Saved
WTSBE Working Time Saved Both Ends
WVNS Within Vessel's Natural Segregation
WWD Weather Working Days
WWDSHEX Weather Working Days, Sundays and Holidays Excepted
WWR When Where Ready
WWRCD When Where Ready on Completion of Discharge
WWW World Weather Watch
WX Weather Message

No data to display

YAR York Antwarp Rules
ZST Zone Standard Time
ZT Zone Time


Certificate of Business Credibility




Intertanko Certificate for Lamda Maritime Holdings Sp. z o.o.

Intertanko Certificate for Christos N. Lialioutis


October 2024

Currency Converter

